“Munjya” is a 2024 Indian Hindi-language comedy horror film directed by Aditya Sarpotdar, featuring Sharvari, Abhay Verma, Sathyaraj, and Mona Singh in pivotal roles. The film stands out for its titular character, crafted entirely through CGI, adding a unique visual element to the story. Produced by Amar Kaushik and Dinesh Vijan under Maddock Films, “Munjya” is the fourth installment in the Maddock Supernatural Universe.
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Drawing inspiration from Indian folklore and mythology, the movie centers around the legend of Munjya. Released theatrically on 7 June 2024, it received positive reviews from critics and quickly became a sleeper hit. With a production cost of INR 30 crore, “Munjya” grossed an impressive ₹132 crore worldwide, ranking as the sixth highest-grossing Hindi film of 2024.
In 1952, Gotya, a young boy from a Konkan village, falls in love with Munni, an older girl. When her marriage is arranged, Gotya tries to poison her fiancé but fails. Desperate, he takes his sister Gita to a haunted peepal tree in Chetukwadi to perform black magic but accidentally kills himself, becoming the vengeful spirit Munjya.
Decades later, Bittu, a timid hairdresser from Pune, visits the same tree, becomes possessed by Munjya, and is forced to help the spirit marry Munni, now Bela’s grandmother. With the help of his cousin Spielberg and an exorcist named Elvis, Bittu battles Munjya, ultimately trapping the spirit in the tree and burning it. However, the mid-credits scene hints that Munjya may still be alive.
The cast of “Munjya” features Sharvari as Bela, the film’s central female character, and Abhay Verma as Bittu, a timid young man haunted by a vengeful spirit. Bhagyashree Limaye plays Rukku, Bittu’s cousin, while Mona Singh portrays Pammi, Bittu’s caring mother. Sathyaraj takes on the role of Padri, adding depth to the supernatural elements of the story. Suhas Joshi plays Gita, who has a significant connection to the past, and Shruti Marathe portrays Gotya’s mother. Ajay Purkar is cast as Balu Kaka, and Reema Chaudhary appears as Mahua, rounding out the ensemble.
OTT Release Date and OTT Platform
“Munjya” is set to make its digital debut on Disney+ Hotstar on August 25, 2025. After its successful theatrical run, where it gained significant popularity, fans eagerly await the film’s OTT release. The movie’s blend of horror and comedy, along with its intriguing storyline, has generated much anticipation among audiences. Streaming on Disney+ Hotstar will provide viewers with a convenient way to enjoy “Munjya” from the comfort of their homes. Mark your calendars for August 25, 2025, as this highly anticipated film becomes available for streaming.
Box Office Collection
The horror-comedy film “Munjya” had a strong start at the box office, earning an estimated INR 3.75–4 crore on its opening day. By the end of its first week, the film had amassed INR 35.30 crore, and within two weeks, it had grossed approximately INR 70 crore. The movie continued to perform well globally, reaching a total worldwide gross of INR 132.13 crore. “Munjya” emerged as a significant success, reflecting its popularity with audiences and solidifying its status as one of the top-grossing Hindi films of the year.
“Munjya” received positive reviews from both critics and audiences for its engaging blend of horror and comedy. The film was praised for its unique storyline, strong performances, and effective use of CGI, particularly in bringing the titular character to life. Sharvari and Abhay Verma were lauded for their convincing portrayals, while Sathyaraj and Mona Singh added depth to the supporting roles. The direction by Aditya Sarpotdar was also commended for balancing humor with eerie elements. Overall, “Munjya” was hailed as an entertaining addition to the Maddock Supernatural Universe, earning its place as a sleeper hit.
Release Date
“Munjya” was released theatrically on June 7, 2024. Following its successful run in theaters, the film will be available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. Fans can catch the movie at any time on this platform, allowing them to enjoy the horror-comedy from the comfort of their homes. The digital release offers a convenient option for those who missed the theatrical release or want to revisit the film. With its engaging storyline and notable performances, “Munjya” promises to be a popular choice for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar.
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